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Style without Category

Zina, 20, Aarhus

“I love all kinds of genres and you can see that through my styles”

Walking through the streets of Aarhus, one girl is especially striking due to her refreshing look: Zina, a young Dane with Iraqi roots. She is a lovely, outgoing and energetic person - characteristics that can well be derived from her style. Today’s look is inspired by Hip Hop. In general, she is very keen to experiment: “I can go from classy- to street- to Hip Hop- to all kinds of Rock ‘n’ Roll styles, literally everything. I love all kinds of genres and you can see that through my styles”. She mentions that she sometimes compares her clothes with her friends: “I have a very wide spectrum of friends: the musicians, the bong heads or the super nerdy ones. I love all of them, no matter which category they fit and that’s the same thing with my clothes”. Zina’s favourite outfit for the summer is an orange off-shoulder crop top with a pair of jeans and sneakers. She loves how the colour goes with her summer tan. “Orange is not really Scandinavian. I think my passion for colourful stylings comes by my blood, from my Arab parents”.

Zina does not really care about designers or brands. She adores the Danish label Ganni, but since she can’t afford their pieces, she shops almost all her clothes at either thrift shops or Monki. Zina used to work for H&M but has recently changed to Monki, because she can identify herself better with the latter: “The concept behind the store is about expressing yourself and to have fun everyday by dressing up”. Zina loves to express herself with the clothes she’s wearing: “If I have a rough day, I usually wear black. When I’m happy, though, I wear quite colourful things to accentuate my feelings”.

Handling four different jobs at once, Zina can definitely be called a workaholic: she works in a bar, as a Danish teacher for Arabic speakers, as a shop assistant in Monki and as a swimming instructor for synchronised swimming. However, she says that for the moment, she just wants to enjoy her youth and find herself. Asking Zina about her biggest dream, she answers: “My life should surprise me, I just want to travel the world and stay happy and open minded”. Since Zina loves social interactions, meeting interesting people and listening to their stories, she intends to study Journalism to create her own documentaries.

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