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All-Time Favorites

For the last day of this year´s Fashion Revolution Week, TFL has decided to personally engage in the campaign. This week, we have provided you with articles about (alternative) fashion consumption, such as buying less, considering eco brands, or thrift-shopping. Today´s post is about valuing the clothes we already have.

TFL wants to change the way, people look at fashion. Our articles praise fashion as an art, not only created by designers who sketch a draft but also by the people who produce and who wear it. The clothes we are wearing are the products of hard work, no matter if we buy them at a fast fashion store or from a high fashion brand. Lets ask who made them for us. Let´s pay some respect to these people who make it possible that we can express our own personality through clothes. Fashion Revolution suggests to do so through showing how we appreciate the items we have. Therefore, we present you our favorite items. We want to share with you what makes them special to us.

Nicole © Giang Pham

I got my leopard pattern blouse from my mom´s friend, about three years ago. She didn´t like it anymore, but thought that it would be perfect for me. She was right, I love it. Since I have always liked flashy and elegant styles, the blouse appears as a perfect mix of both. In addition, I have found out that people associate leopard patterns with ‘Eastern European style’, as I often hear that it reflects my ‘Polish heritage.’ I know that wearing this kind of pattern is a statement, especially in countries where the predominant style is rather minimalistic. The thing is, I don´t care if people like it or think of it as ‘trendy.’ For me, it will never go out of trend.

Katja © Giang Pham

My floral midi skirt from Asos is my all-time favorite fashion item. I bought it four years ago due to my cousin´s confirmation. Since she picked me as her godmother, I wanted to have a unique outfit for the event. The floral print and bright colors instantly cheer me up, when I put on the skirt. Since most of the compliments concerning my style were owing to this skirt, I guess, it also has the same effect on the people who see me wearing it. It evokes feelings of summer in people´s heads, that's what I love most about it. Since I can combine it with every possible color, I never get tired of wearing it. I hope to keep it for many more years, as my faithful fashion partner.

We hope to inspire you to go through your clothes, and find the items that you love, and that mean something to you. Show that they are worth more than a plastic bag.

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