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Prints, Patterns and Pink

Aneta, 25, Aarhus

"My outfits can easily change from colourful to simple, especially, when I want to feel invisible."

Non-stop rain, greyness and wind: Aarhus can be quite depressing at the end of February. People wrapped in large black winter anoraks, rather practical than stylish, are roaming through the Latin Quarter. Aneta from Prague, though, refuses to comply with this pattern. Instead, she exudes happiness, walking around with a bold but cute smile and adding colour to the scenery through her pink coat. When we run into her, she has just had a coffee date with her boyfriend at La Cabra.

Aneta loves the elegant Danish taste regarding fashion and interior fittings, saying that it strongly differs from the Czech´s style. Although her outfit today is inspired by the Scandinavian clean chic, Aneta is still a fan of extraordinary prints: Detailed illustrations like, for instance, shirts covered with pictures of faces or giant baroque patterns. For her, clothes are pieces of art. Her own favourite articles of clothing are two shirts with graphic prints: One with big soup, tuna and soda cans and the other with breakfast elements on it. Asked to put her style in a nutshell, she admits that she doesn’t have one particular style but always dresses the way she feels: “My outfits can easily change from colourful to simple, especially, when I want to feel invisible.”

Not surprisingly, Aneta´s passions have to do with colours and creativity: drawing, creating graphics, and web designing. She always tries to give her work a personal note, primarily based on unconventional ideas: “I like unusual things. Pink, for example, is not always suitable for certain web sides since it is pictured as the stereotypical female colour. I think, this is quite ridiculous. So, it´s kind of amusing for me to use pink in unexpected ways. I want things to become more open minded.”

In line with her passions, Aneta moved from the Czech Republic to Aarhus last August in order to pursue a Master´s degree in IT and Sociology. “What I love about coding and programming is that you can work location-independent. I can easily move from one place to the other, if I wish.”

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