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Make-Up by Mood

© Nicole Goszczynski

Rosalina, 23, Aarhus

“When I wear the very red iconic lipstick ‘ruby woo’, I start feeling very sexy and pretty, kind of like Marilyn Monroe.”

Make-up and fashion goes hand in hand, as the combination of both creates a perfect look. Rosalina got the hang of it. Her passion is all about make-up. Being a retail manager for MAC Cosmetics, she has turned her hobby into her profession. Besides MAC she’s working as a make-up artist for photoshoots and fashion shows at ‘Diva Models’. “My favourite or most unique make-up creations are inspired by African tribal paintings, with a lot of dots and shapes.” Her own make-up is usually not as crazy as her photoshoot artworks, but when she goes partying she likes extraordinary make-up such as an eccentric yellow lipstick: “I have the feeling that when you put on a certain lipstick, it’s kind of putting you in a different mood or attitude. When I wear the very red iconic lipstick ‘ruby woo’, I start feeling very sexy and pretty, kind of like Marilyn Monroe. But when I wear a bright pink lipstick instead, I feel more girly and fresh. A black lipstick in contrast makes me feel more edgy. Different make-up stresses my mood and brings out my different personalities.”

Rosalina is an energetic, funny, outgoing and positive young woman whose laughter puts you in a happy mood: “I am free and honest. I say whatever comes to my mind.” We met her with huge bags of groceries in the Latin Quarter where she told us cheerfully that she had just moved downtown. Her off-work outfit is made up of a light brown vintage fur coat with white ripped jeans, black winter boots, retro glasses and a bandana in her hair – quite dazzling in the streets of Aarhus. Rosalina’s style is influenced by her colleagues and by an eminent pop icon: “Rihanna is my really big inspiration, she mixes street with high fashion, and that’s what I love.” Bold combinations like her today’s look are only possible in Rosalina’s free time. “At work I can only wear black clothes, from the shoes to the top. I have to admit, before I worked for MAC, I did not like black clothes at all. But since then I got a passion for it.”

© Nicole Goszczynski

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