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Fashion as a Mirror of Myself

Gabriela, 18, Aarhus

“I don’t want people to think I am just that quiet girl who has no opinion at all, so I try to express myself through my outfits”

Walking through Aarhus’ pedestrian street “Strøget“ an edgy and cool look is catching our eye. The person who compiled and wears that look is Gabriela – an adorable young woman from Latvia who has been living in Aarhus for three years now. “My step dad is Danish, so my whole family moved to Denmark. But I guess the good education system was another reason why”, she explains. Gabriela has big plans for her future. After she finishes Gymnasium this year she is aiming to study engineering at the University of Aarhus. Her only barrier is the language. Even though she already has a feeling for Danish and understands most of it, she still struggles to speak it.

Gabriela’s biggest passion is photography. Especially landscape themes like mountains, rivers, and the sea amaze her. Asked whether she considers herself as a nature person, she nods but nonetheless stresses how much she loves the city life and to be surrounded by a lot of people.

The young woman appreciates the comfort of online shopping, especially at the shop boohoo. “The clothes at boohoo are affordable but still have interesting designs and you can mix and match different pieces to create your own signature look”, she says. Having a unique style like today’s outfit is important for Gabriela since she expresses her personality through her clothes: “Most of the time I tend to be reserved until I truly get to know someone. I don’t want people to think I am just that quiet girl who has no opinion at all, so I try to express myself through my outfits.”

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